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Character List

Abercrombie, Captain Boniface, RHN—senior COLAC, Gaston System Defense Command.

Abrioux, Senior Inspector Danielle ("Danny")—a senior investigator for the Havenite FIA on personal assignment from Kevin Usher.

Anders, Captain William ("Five"), RHN—chief of staff, Bolthole.

Anisimovna, Aldona—Manpower Inc. board member; member of Mesan Strategy Council.

al-Bakr, Admiral Gammal, Zanzibar System Navy—CNO Zanzibar System Navy, CO Zanzibar System Defense Command.

Alexander, Emily—Countess White Haven, wife of Hamish Alexander, Earl White Haven.

Alexander, Admiral Hamish RMN (ret)—Earl White Haven, First Lord of Admiralty.

Alexander, William—Baron Grantville, Hamish Alexander's brother, Prime Minister of the Star Kingdom of Manticore.

Arbuckle, Senior Steward Clarissa—Michelle Henke's personal steward.

Atkins, Corporal Joshua—Harrington Steadholder's Guard, one of Honor Harrington's new personal armsmen.

Ariel—treecat companion of Queen Elizabeth III.

Ayrault—Captain Maurice, RMN, chief of staff, Home Fleet.

Banacek, Lieutenant Sally, RHN—Captain Boniface Abercrombie's tactical officer.

Banshee—treecat companion of Roslee Orndorff.

Bardasano, Isabel—Jessyk Combine Cadet board member; senior Mesan "wet work" specialist.

Barloi, Henrietta—Republic of Haven Secretary of Technology.

Bascou, Lieutenant Edouard, RHN—staff communications officer, Gaston System Defense Command.

Beach, Rear Admiral Everette, RHN—CO, Gaston System Defense Command.

Beauchamp, Captain Heinrich, RHN—CO, Hera System Defense Command's sensor net.

Begin, Camille—a Havenite security dispatcher.

Bellefeuille, Diana—Rear Admiral Bellefeuille's daughter.

Bellefeuille, Rear Admiral Jennifer, RHN—CO, Chantilly System Defense Command.

Bellefeuille, Matthew—Rear Admiral Bellefeuille's son.

Bellefeuille, Russell—Rear Admiral Bellefeuille's husband.

Bibeau, Lieutenant Charles, RHN—plotting officer of the watch, Alpha Station, Solon System.

Blackett, Corporal Luke, Harrington Steadholder's Guard—James Harrington's personal armsman.

Blaine, Admiral Jessup, RMN—CO, Task Force 14, Lynx Station.

Blumenthal, Commander Joel, RMN—executive officer, HMS Nike.

Bradshaw, Lieutenant Franklin, RMN—staff communications officer, Third Fleet.

Bradshaw, Rear Admiral Winston, RMN—CO, Cruiser Squadron 7.

Braga, Lieutenant Commander Antonio, RMN—astrogator, Battlecruiser Squadron 81.

Brankovski, Captain Amanda, RMN—senior COLAC, CLAC Squadron 6.

Brantley, Lieutenant Harper, RMN—staff communications officer, Eighth Fleet.

Bressand, Rear Admiral Baptiste, RHN—CO, Augusta System Defense Command.

Brigham, Commodore Mercedes, RMN—Chief of Staff Eighth Fleet.

Broughton, Captain Everard, RMN—CO, outer system LAC platforms, Zanzibar System Defense Command.

Bruckheimer, Admiral Arnold, RHN (ret)—Fordyce System governor, Republic of Haven.

Caparelli, Admiral Sir Thomas—First Space Lord, RMN.

Cardones, Captain Rafe, RMN—CO HMS Imperator; Honor Harrington's flag captain.

Carmouche, Commodore Desiree, RHN—CO, Fordyce System Defense Command.

Carter, Lieutenant Jeff, RMN—an officer on Andrea Jaruwalski's operations staff.

Chernitskaya, Lieutenant Veronika Dominikovna ("Vicki"), RMN—tactical officer, HMLAC Dacoit.

Clapp, Commander Mitchell, RHN—LAC development specialist assigned to Bolthole.

Chin, Admiral Genevieve, RHN—CO, Fifth Fleet.

Clinkscales, Austen MacGregor—Howard Clinkscales' nephew and successor as Regent of Harrington Steading.

Clinkscales, Bethany Judith—Howard Clinkscales' senior wife.

Clinkscales, Constance Marianne—Howard Clinkscales' third wife.

Clinkscales, Lieutenant Commander Carson Edward, GSN—Howard Clinkscales' nephew.

Clinkscales, Howard Samson Jonathan—Lord Clinkscales, Regent of Harrington Steading.

Clinkscales, Rebecca Tiffany—Howard Clinkscales' second wife.

Cortes, Admiral Sir Lucian—Fifth Space Lord, RMN.

Daniels, Lieutenant Commander Gunther, RMN—CO, HMS Skirmisher.

Dante, Lieutenant Commander Esmeralda, RMN—staff astrogator, CLAC Squadron 3.

Davidson, Monsignor Stuart—Archbishop Telmachi's personal representative on Grayson.

deCastro, Commander Ivan, RHN—chief of staff, Chantilly System Defense Command.

DeClercq, Travis—Republic of Haven's ambassador to the Solarian League.

DeLaney, Captain Molly, RHN—chief of staff, Second Fleet.

DePaul, Brother Matthew—Reverend Sullivan's personal secretary and aide.

Detweiler, Albrecht—Manpower, Inc., chairman of the Board; head of the Mesan governing council.

Detweiler, Evelina—Albrecht Detweiler's wife.

Deutscher, Rear Admiral Emile, RHN—CO, Task Group 36 ("Bogey One"), Third Fleet.

Diamato, Rear Admiral Oliver, RHN—CO, Battlecruiser Squadron 12.

D'Orville, Fleet Admiral Sebastian, RMN—CO, Home Fleet.

Dryslar, Captain Adam, RMN—Admiral Caparelli's chief of staff.

DuBois, Web—ex-genetic slave, Prime Minister of Torch.

DuPuy, Tabitha—White Haven's chief cook.

Durand, Captain Alexis, RHN—CO, Alpha Station, Solon System.

Duval, Rear Admiral Harold, RHN—CO, CLAC Division 19.

Eisenberg, Lieutenant Anita ("Ace"), RHN—staff communications officer, Second Fleet.

Ellefsen, Havard—Lovat System governor, Republic of Haven.

Ericsson, Commander Leonardo, RHN—operations officer, Chantilly System Defense Command.

Estwicke, Lieutenant Commander Bridget, RMN—CO, HMS Ambuscade.

Fanaafi, Commodore Charise, RMN—CO, Cruiser Squadron 12.

Farragut—treecat companion of Miranda LaFollet.

Ferry, Harper S.—ex-slave; ex-Audubon Ballroom terrorist; one of Queen Berry's bodyguards.

Foraker, Vice Admiral Shannon, RHN—CO, Bolthole.

Frazier, Doctor Janet—Honor Harrington's personal physician.

Fredericks, Captain Hal, RHN—CO, RHNS Conquete.

Genghis—treecat companion of Judson Van Hale.

Giancola, Arnold—Republic of Haven Secretary of State.

Giancola, Jason—Republic of Haven senator; Arnold Giancola's younger brother.

Gilraven, Captain Sybil, RMN—commanding officer, HMS Invictus, Admiral D'Orville's flag captain.

Giovanni, Commodore Alessandra, RHN—CO, Lovat System Defense Command inner defenses.

Giscard, Admiral Javier, RHN—CO, Third Fleet; President Eloise Pritchart's lover.

Givens, Admiral Patricia—Second Space Lord, RMN; CO, Office of Naval Intelligence.

Gohr, Lieutenant Commander Betty, RMN—tactical officer, HMS Nike.

Goldbach, Angelo—Axel Lacroix's best friend and fellow shipyard worker.

Goodrick, Captain Craig ("Wraith"), RMN—chief of staff, CLAC Squadron Three.

Gozzi, Captain Marius, RHN—chief of staff, Third Fleet.

Gregory, Stan—Republic of Haven Secretary of Urban affairs.

Grimm, Admiral Stephania, Royal Manticoran Astro Control Service—CO, Manticore Wormhole Junction ACS.

Grosclaude, Yves—ex-Havenite Special Ambassador to Manticore.

Guernicke, Liam—Second Lord of Admiralty (budgetary and fiscal management), RMN.

Guyard, Commander Claudette, RHN—chief of staff, Augusta System Defense Command.

Gwynett, Captain Madelyn, RMN—operations officer, Home Fleet.

Hampton, Alicia—Arnold Giancola's senior administrative assistant.

Hampton, Commander Bradley, RMN—navy liaison officer assigned to Manticore Wormhole Junction ACS.

Hanover, Captain Franklin, RMN—CO HMS Hector.

Hanriot, Rachel—Republic of Haven Secretary of the Treasury.

Harcourt, Lieutenant Emily, RMN—tactical officer, HMS Ambuscade.

Harkness, Chief Warrant Officer Sir Horace, RMN—engineer, HMLAC Dacoit.

Harrington, Doctor Alfred—Honor Harrington's father, ex-navy officer, one of the leading neurosurgeons of the Star Kingdom of Manticore.

Harrington, Doctor Allison—Honor Harrington's mother, born on the planet Beowulf, one of the leading geneticists of the Star Kingdom of Manticore.

Harrington, Clarissa—Alfred Harrington's younger sister; Honor Harrington's aunt.

Harrington, Faith Katherine Honor Stephanie Miranda—"Miss Harrington," Honor Harrington's younger sister and her designated heir.

Harrington, Lady Dame Honor Stephanie—Duchess Harrington; Steadholder Harrington; Admiral, RMN; Fleet Admiral, Grayson Space Navy; CO Protector's Own; CO Eighth Fleet; CO HMS Unconquered.

Harrington, James Andrew Benjamin—Honor Harrington's younger brother, younger twin of Faith Harrington.

Hartnett, Commander Thomasina, RMN—Rear Admiral Evelyn Padgorny's chief of staff.

Hasselberg, Vizeadmiral Lyou-yung, IAN—Graf Von Kreuzberg, CO, Task Force 16.

Hastings, Captain Josephus, RMN—Captain (Destroyers), Eighth Fleet.

Havenhurst, Nico—White Haven's majordomo.

Havlicek, Rear Admiral Thurston, RMN—CO, Manticore Wormhole Junction defenses.

Hawke, Captain Spencer—Harrington Steadholder' Guard. Honor Harrington's third personal armsman.

Hayes, Solomon—gossip columnist, Landing Tattler.

Hellerstein, Chief Petty Officer Bryant, RMN—chief of the watch, Manticore System Perimeter Sensor Watch.

Hemphill, Admiral Sonja, RMN—Baroness of Low Delhi, Fourth Space Lord, RMN.

Henke, Rear Admiral Michelle, RMN—Countess Gold Peak; CO, Battlecruiser Squadron 81.

Hennessy, Commander Coleman, RMN—Admiral Hemphill's chief of staff.

Hertz, Commander Eric, RMN—Captain Everard Broughton's COLAC, Zanzibar System Defense Command; CO, HMLAC Ice Pick.

Hipper—treecat companion of Rachel Mayhew.

Hirshfield, Commander Frances, RMN—executive officer, HMS Imperator.

Houellebecq, Captain Celestine, RHN—CO, RHNS Guerriere; Lester Tourville's flag captain.

Hovanian, Captain Arakel, RHN—CO, Destroyer Squadron 93.

Illescue, Doctor Franz—head of staff and senior partner, Briarwood Reproductive Center.

Inchman, Commander Sandra, RHN—operations officer, Gaston System Defense Command.

Isher, Julia—business manager, Briarwood Reproductive Center.

Jaruwalski, Captain (JG) Andrea, RMN—operations officer, Eighth Fleet.

Joubert, Captain Armand, RHN—CO, RHNS Peregrine.

Jourdain, Rear Admiral Franz, RHN—CO, Battle Squadron 27.

Julian, Lieutenant Commander James, RHN—staff astrogator, Fifth Fleet.

Kaminski, Lieutenant Albert, RMN—staff communications officer, Battlecruiser Squadron 81.

Kent, Lieutenant Janice, RMN—tactical officer, HMLAC Ice Pick.

Kgari, Lieutenant Commander Theophile, RMN—staff astrogator, Eighth Fleet.

Kleinman, Doctor Henry—Emily Alexander's personal physician.

Knippschd, Doctor Martijn ("Marty")—laboratory supervisor, Briarwood Reproductive Center.

Kochkarian, Captain Cyrus, RHN—CO, RHNS Canonnade; Genevieve Chin's flag captain.

Krenckel, Lieutenant Commander Ludwig, RHN—operations officer, Augusta System Defense Command.

Kuzak, Admiral Theodosia, RMN—CO, Third Fleet.

Kyprianou, Renzo—head of bio weapons research for Mesa and Manpower.

Lacroix, Axel—a young Havenite shipyard worker.

LaFollet, Colonel Andrew—Harrington Steadholder's Guard. Honor Harrington's chief personal armsman.

LaFollet, Jennifer—Allison Harrington's personal maid.

LaFollet, Miranda Gloria—Honor Harrington's personal maid; Andrew LaFollet's younger sister; adopted by treecat Farragut.

Lamar, Captain Jordan, Royal Manticoran Astro Control Service—executive officer, Manticore Wormhole Junction ACS.

Lapierre, Lieutenant Commander Hector, RHN—staff communications officer, Fifth Fleet.

Lara—one of Thandi Palane's ex-Scragg "Amazons"; assigned as a bodyguard to Queen Berry; Saburo X's lover.

Latrell, Commander Judson, RMN—operations officer, Third Fleet.

Lauder, Giuseppe—one of Arnold Giancola's senior bodyguards.

Lazarevna, Lieutenant Commander Ekaterina Gennadovna ("Kat-enka"), RMN—staff communications officer, Home Fleet,

LePic, Denis—Republic of Haven Attorney General.

le Vern, Mathilde—System Governor, Gaston System, Republic of Haven.

Lewis, Rear Admiral Victor, RHN—CO, Office of Operational Research.

Lorenzetti, Major Allen, RMMC—CO, Marine detachment, HMS Imperator.

Lowell, Petty Officer 1/c Peter, RHN—a noncommissioned officer assigned to the Hera System Defense Command sensor net.

Loyola, Lieutenant Justin, RHN—tactical officer, RHNS Racer.

MacGuiness, James—Honor Harrington's personal steward and friend.

MacNaughton, Commander Ewan, RHN—senior Sensor officer, Lovat System Defense Command.

Mandel, Captain Irving, RMN—Criminal Investigation Division.

Manfredi, Commander Oliver, RMN—chief of staff, Battlecruiser Squadron 81.

Mannock, Vice Admiral Sir Allen, RMN—Seventh space Lord, RMN; Surgeon General of the Star Kingdom of Manticore.

Marquette, Admiral Arnaud, RHN—chief of the naval staff, Republic of Haven.

Martinsen, Lieutenant Commander Astrid, RMN—staff communications officer, CLAC Squadron 3.

Mathieson, Georgina—Solon System governor, Republic of Haven.

Mattingly, Captain Simon—Harrington Steadholder's Guard. One of Honor Harrington's personal armsmen.

Matsuzawa, Rear Admiral Hirotaka, RMN—commanding officer, Battlecruiser Squadron 32.

Mayhew, Alexandra—Benjamin Mayhew's fifth child, by Elaine Mayhew. Goddaughter of Allison and Alfred Harrington.

Mayhew, Arabella Allison Wainwright—Benjamin Mayhew's eighth child, by Katherine Mayhew.

Mayhew, Benjamin Bernard Jason—Benjamin IX, Protector of Grayson.

Mayhew, Bernard Raoul—Lord Mayhew, Benjamin Mayhew's sixth child (and first son), by Katherine Mayhew. Heir Apparent to the Protectorship of Grayson.

Mayhew, Elaine Margaret—Benjamin Mayhew's junior wife.

Mayhew, Honor—Benjamin Mayhew's fourth child, by Elaine Mayhew. Honor Harrington's goddaughter

Mayhew, Jeanette—Benjamin Mayhew's second oldest child, by Elaine Mayhew.

Mayhew, Katherine Elizabeth—Benjamin Mayhew's senior wife; First Lady of Grayson.

Mayhew, Lawrence Hamish William—Benjamin Mayhew's seventh child, by Elaine Mayhew.

Mayhew, Rachel—Benjamin Mayhew's oldest child, by Katherine Mayhew, adopted by treecat Hipper, midshipwoman Saganami Island Naval Academy.

Mayhew, Teresa—Benjamin Mayhew's third oldest child, by Katherine Mayhew.

McClure, Sergeant Jefferson—Harrington Steadholder's Guard, Emily Alexander's personal armsman.

McGraw, Sergeant Clifford—Harrington Steadholder's Guard, one of Honor Harrington's new personal armsman.

McGwire, Commander Alan, RHN—chief of staff, Fordyce System Defense Command.

McGwire, Jackson—White Haven's butler.

McKeon, Rear Admiral Alistair, RMN—CO, Battle Squadron 61.

Meares, Lieutenant Timothy, RMN—Honor Harrington's flag lieutenant.

Meyers, Tajman—chief of security, Briarwood Reproductive Center.

Mikhailov, Captain Diego, RMN—CO, HMS Ajax, Michelle Henke's flag captain.

Miklós, Vice Admiral Samuel, RMN—CO, CLAC Squadron 6.

Milligan, Commodore Tom, RHN—CO, Hera System Defense Command.

Monroe—Prince Consort Justin Zyrr-Winton's treecat companion.

Montague, Vice Admiral Irene, RMN—CO, Battle Squadron 19.

Montaigne, Catherine—leader of the Manticoran Liberal Party; Manticoran leader of the Anti-slavery League; ex-Baroness of the Tor; Anton Zilwicki's lover.

Montreau, Leslie—Arnold Giancola's successor as the Havenite Secretary of State.

Moore, Rear Admiral Kenneth, RHN—CO, Battle Squadron 11.

Moreau, Commodore Mary Lou, RMN—CO, Light Cruiser Flotilla 18.

Morowitz, Rear Admiral Allen, RMN—CO, first division, Battle Squadron 61.

Morrison, Surgeon Commander Richenda, RMN—senior physician, HMS Imperator.

Morser, Vizeadmiral Bin-hewi, IAN—Graffin von Grau, CO, Battle Squadron 36, IAN.

Mueller, Travis—Steadholder Mueller.

Nesbitt, Tony—Republic of Haven Secretary of Commerce; Jean-Claude Nesbitt's cousin.

Nesbitt, Colonel Jean-Claude—chief of security, Republic of Haven Department of State; Tony Nesbitt's cousin.

Neukirch, Lieutenant Commander Harriet, RMN—astrogator, HMS Imperator.

Nielsen, Commander Petra, RHN—operations officer, Fordyce System Defense Command.

Nimitz—Honor Harrington's treecat companion; mate of Samantha.

O'Dell, Captain Harold, RMN—CO, HMS King Roger III; Theo-dosia Kuzak's flag captain.

O'Donnell, Father Jerome—parish priest, White Haven.

Orbach, Doctor Dame Jessica—Third Lord of Admiralty (health and Manpower), RMN

Orndorff, Commander Roslee, RMN—chief of staff, Battle Squad-ron 61; adopted by treecat Banshee.

Ormskirk, Admiral Sir Frederick—Earl Tanith Hill, Sixth Space Lord, RMN.

Oversteegen, Captain Michael, RMN—CO HMS Nike.

Padgorny, Rear Admiral Evelyn, RMN—CO Battle Squadron 31, Zanzibar System picket.

Palane, Thandi—"Great Kaja," uniformed commander-in-chief of the Torch military; Queen Berry's unofficial "big sister."

Pattison, Lieutenant Jayne, RMN—communications officer, HMS Nike.

Phillips, Lindsey—Manticoran nanny assigned to Faith and James Harrington.

Poykkonen, Joona—Augusta System governor, Republic of Haven.

Pritchart, Eloise—President of the Republic of Haven; Javier Giscard's lover.

Randall, Commander Myron, RHN—chief of staff, Gaston System Defense Command.

Reinke, Vizeadmiral Hwa-zhyou, IAN—Baron von Basaltberg, CO, Battlecruiser Squadron 31, IAN.

Reumann, Captain Patrick, RHN—CO, RHNS Sovereign of Space; Javier Giscard's flag captain.

Reynolds, Commander George, RMN—Honor Harrington's staff intelligence officer.

Rothschild, Lieutenant Jack, RHN—Captain Morton Schneider's tactical officer.

Sabourin, Captain Nicodème, RHN—chief of staff, Fifth Fleet.

Samantha—Hamish Alexander's treecat companion; mate of Nimitz.

Sanderson, Walter—Republic of Haven Secretary of the Interior.

Sandusky, Jerome—Mesan covert operations specialist with primary day-to-day responsibility for operations in Congo and the Republic of Haven.

Schneider, Captain Morton, RHN—COLAC for the first Havenite attack on Zanzibar.

Sebastian, Margaret—Chantilly System governor, Republic of Haven.

Sewall, Rear Admiral Hildegard, RHN—CO, Task Group 32 ("Bogey Two"), Third Fleet.

Sharif, Captain James, RMN—CO HMS Intolerant, Allen Morowitz' flag captain.

Shelburne, Captain Lavarenti, RMN—CO, HMS Hecate.

Shelton, Chester—system governor, Hera System, Republic of Haven.

Simon, Admiral Janos, Alizon Space Navy—CO, Alizon System Defense Command.

Simon, Commander Jean, RMN—ONI counter-espionage specialist.

Slowacki, Commander Alekan, RMN—operations officer, Battle Squadron 61.

Smirnoff, Captain Alice, RHN—Second Fleet's senior COLAC.

Smith, Gena—head of Protector's Palace childcare staff.

Smithson, Captain Gerald ("Jerry"), RMN—chief of staff, Third Fleet.

Snyder, Lieutenant Commander Henry, RMN—staff astrogator, Home Fleet.

Spiropoulo, Commander Andrianna, RHN—operations officer, Fifth Fleet.

Stackpole, Lieutenant Commander John, RMN—operations officer, Battlecruiser Squadron 81.

Stanfield, Commander Janine, RMN—operations officer, CLAC Squadron 3.

Stanton, Lieutenant Jethro, RMN—executive officer, HMS Ambuscade.

Staunton, Sandra—Republic of Haven Secretary of Biosciences.

Steen, Commander Astrid, RMN—staff astrogator, Third Fleet.

Stimson, Sergeant Tobias—Harrington Steadholder's Guard. Hamish Alexander's personal armsman.

Stokely, Commander Ellen, RHN—CO, RHNS Racer; Captain Arakel Hovanian's "flag captain."

Sullivan, The Reverend Jeremiah Winslow—First Elder, Church of Humanity Unchained.

Taverner, Commander Serena, RHN—chief of staff, Battlecruiser Squadron 12.

Taylor, Jasper—Steadholder Canseco.

Telmachi, Archbishop Robert—Archbishop of Manticore.

Tennard, Corporal Jeremiah—Harrington Steadholder's Guard; Faith Harrington's personal armsman.

Thackeray, Commander Alvin, RMN—Rear Admiral Padgorny's operations officer.

Thackery, Commander Selma, RHN—operations officer, Third Fleet.

Thackston, Corporal Barnaby, RMMC—Marine detachment, HMS Imperator.

Theisman, Admiral Thomas, RHN—Havenite CNO and Secretary of War.

Thiessen, Sheila—Presidential Security Force, President Pritchart's senior bodyguard.

Thomas, Captain Melinda, RMN—CO HMS Intransigent; Alistair McKeon's flag captain.

Thompson, Commander Glenn, RMN—chief engineer, HMS Imperator.

Thurston, Sandra—Emily Alexander's personal maid/nurse.

Timmons, Captain Jane, RMN—CO, HMS Andromeda.

Torricelli, Chief Petty Officer Andreas, RHN—chief of the watch, Hera System Defense Command sensor net.

Toscarelli, Vice Admiral Anton, RMN—Third Space Lord, RMN.

Tourville, Admiral Lester, RHN—CO, Second Fleet.

Trajan, Wilhelm—Director, Foreign Intelligence Service, Republic of Haven.

Tremaine, Captain Prescott ("Scotty"), RMN—CO HMLAC Dacoit; senior COLAC, CLAC Squadron 3.

Trenis, Vice Admiral Linda, RHN—CO, Bureau of Planning.

Truman, Vice Admiral Dame Alice, RMN—commanding officer, Third CLAC Squadron.

Tucker, Commander George, RHN—chief of staff, Hera System Defense Command.

Turner, Lieutenant Commander Angelina, RMN—watch officer, Manticore System Perimeter Sensor Watch.

Tyler, William Henry—New Age Pharmaceuticals commercial representative on Torch.

Usher, Kevin—Director, Federal Investigation Agency, Republic of Haven.

VanGuyles, Elfrieda—Countess Fairburn, Conservative Association insider.

Van Hale, Judson—Sphinx-born son of a genetic slave; one of Queen Berry's bodyguards; adopted by treecat Genghis.

Waldberg, Konteradmiral Syou-tung, IAN—CO, Battle Squadron 38, IAN.

Watson, Captain Diego, RHN—senior COLAC, Fordyce System Defense Command.

Webster, Admiral James Bowie, RMN (ret)—Manticoran ambassador to the Solarian League.

Weissmuller, Lieutenant Jerome, RMN—astrogator, HMS Ambuscade.

West, Commander Fred, RHN—Captain Alice Smirnoff's successor as Second Fleet's senior COLAC.

Willoughby, Lieutenant Sherwin, RMN—Rear Admiral Evelyn Padgorny's communications officer.

Winton, Elizabeth Adrienne Samantha Annette—Queen Elizabeth III, Queen of Manticore. Adopted by treecat Ariel.

Winton, Princess Ruth—adopted daughter of Michael Winton; Elizabeth III's niece; Queen Berry's friend and junior intelligence advisor.

Witcinski, Commander Sigismund, RMN—CO, LAC tender HMS Marigold, Zanzibar System Defense Command.

Wollenhaupt, Konteradmiral Tswei-yun, IAN—CO, Battle Squadron 56.

X., Jeremy—ex-genetic slave, ex-Audubon Ballroom terrorist; Queen Berry's Secretary of War.

X., Saburo—ex-genetic slave, ex-Audubon Ballroom terrorist, one of Queen Berry's bodyguards; Lara's lover.

Zilwicki, Captain Anton, RMN (ret)—ex-ONI agent; Queen Berry's adoptive father and senior intelligence advisor; Catherine Montaigne's lover.

Zilwicki, Berry—Queen Berry, first monarch of Torch.

Zucker, Commander Robert, RHN—operations officer, Battlecruiser Squadron 12.

Zyrr-Winton, Justin—Prince Consort of Manticore. Adopted by treecat Monroe.



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